Please find below and attached information from Connecting Leeds that may be of interest to you.
"In the development of the Lawnswood Roundabout Improvement Scheme, we commissioned some work to undertake emissions modelling to better understand the likely impacts of the scheme on air quality in the vicinity of the roundabout. This was in response to concerns raised by local residents regarding the impact of the scheme on air quality. The work culminated in a report being produced in April 2024 – see attached.
There are just a few things I need to highlight regarding the report, as follows:
- Three designs were tested in the emissions model. The design corresponding most closely to the current design is labelled ‘Less Ambitious’ in the report. However, there are some differences between the ‘Less Ambitious’ design as tested in the report, and the design now being progressed to construction, as follows:
- The latest design includes an additional pedestrian crossing of Otley Road, just north of Weetwood Road.
- The latest design includes reduced speed limits on A6120 Ring Road, between Lawnswood and King Lane. No change in speed limit was included in the emissions model.
- The local air quality monitoring data presented in Table 5 of the report uses indicative data for 2023. There is a process of adjustment undertaken on air quality monitoring data to account for systemic bias and seasonal variation. This process had not been completed for 2023 data at the time of the report’s completion, but finalised 2023 data is now available. I’ve therefore recreated Table 5 below, using the finalised data for 2023, for your reference. Please note that this also impacts on the data presented in Table 7 of the report, which uses the indicative data for 2023 as its basis."