I have received the update below:
"Dear Councillor
Between 15 July to 30 September 2024, we asked the public and stakeholders to feed back on the proposed vision, objectives and principles for our renewed Local Transport Plan.
Overall, 648 questionnaire and freeform responses were received to the engagement, of which 567 were from individuals, with the remaining 81 from organisations. Many thanks to those of you who shared your feedback, either through the questionnaire or by writing to us. Your responses are being taken into account in the development of the Local Transport Plan.
The full engagement outcome report is now available to view on our Local Transport Plan Your Voice page.
About the Local Transport Plan
The Local Transport Plan is a plan that all Transport Authorities must develop and regularly renew for their area to assess our transport needs and challenges. The plan then sets out different ways to tackle those challenges. It matters because it guides decision making on transport policy and investment across all types of transport in the region.
We are developing our Local Transport Plan in two phases. This first phase involved developing the strategic direction, including an initial vision, objectives and principles for the future West Yorkshire transport network.
Next steps
The feedback from this engagement is now being considered during the second stage of development, as the draft Local Transport Plan is produced. We will then hold a statutory consultation on the full proposed Local Transport Plan later this year (2025)."