I was recently contacted by a resident to comment as follows:
Here is the ACTUAL quote from the DfT manual - their “interpretation” is just WRONG.
“6.7.2. It is possible that the use of a right‐turn arrow on the approach to a roundabout might encourage some drivers, particularly those from overseas, to turn the wrong way into the circulatory carriageway. However, in most situations the clockwise direction of circulation should be apparent. Where the right‐hand lane is dedicated to right‐turning traffic, a right‐turn arrow should not present any difficulties and will ensure appropriate use of the lane. There will be some situations, particularly where the roundabout has spiral markings (see 6.6.7) or is controlled by traffic signals, where it is likely to be more appropriate to use ahead arrows with destinations for all approach lanes”
I took this up with Highways again as a number of residents raised concerns about the original response from Highways. Highways have now commented as follows:
“Dear Councillor Anderson,
We are satisfied with our decision to not put in a right turn arrow on the approaches to the roundabout. The design followed the relevant design guidelines at the time of design (TD16/07 and Traffic Sign Manual Chapter 5, 2003). We have also checked it against the current guidelines and conclude that the decision also complies with the recommendations (CD 116 and Traffic Sign Manual Chapter 5, 2018). “