Please find attached a report on the changes to opening hours in libraries across the city. The only change in this area is for the library at Holt Park which will be closing on a Saturday at 1pm rather than 4pm. Otley Library and Horsforth Library remain unchanged.
Commentary below from the Council:
"I am writing to provide an update regarding the library opening hour public consultation and the subsequent review of opening times. Please see attached a decision report outlining changes that will take affect from the 5th August which will be published in the coming days. While we would all have a preference for not reducing hours, this approach has enabled the service to make significant savings contributions whilst protecting more popular opening periods, and will ensure that LCC can continue to deliver a high quality library provision moving forward.
In terms of public updates there is also a press release scheduled to go out on the 29th July, and the Community Hub and Library social media channels will be highlighting the changes for public awareness. The library website will be altered accordingly, and physical signs have been ordered for on-site changes."