I refer to the above. I have received 2 further updates, one from Yorkshire Water which includes the Word document attached and the text below. The other from Highways which includes the pdf file attached which will probably be subject to amendment as further thought is made and also based on the efficiency of operation during the works:
From Yorkshire Water
Morning Cllr,
We have met with highways and agreed to alter our traffic management plan to have a traffic light on Upper Old Pool Bank when we’re completing the work on Leeds Road.
I’ve also attached the comms letter that will be sent to all the customers first class today.
From Highways:
Following the visit on 25th May – it was useful to get to site with everyone and understand the requirements safe entry and exit to the upper section of Old Pool Bank.
As agreed onsite, we will need to amend the Traffic Management (TM) requirements for this section as per the following notes, when we have traffic signals in place, as well as the closure points on the North and South Sections of Old Pool Bank.
• Whilst works commence at the junction of Old Pool Bank North, South and the upper section in red, we will amend the TM to a 3 way light set up shown on attached CAD.
• As per normal TM signage, we will ensure when red light shows wait here sign is erected on the carriageway on the upper section
• The light head will be situated at the bottom of the hill junction of Leeds road.
• This will permit cars to safely exit the upper section with a clear view of oncoming traffic from either side of the junction but will only be permitted to turn right (not left)
• We will therefore enforce a no left turn onto Leeds road at this point, until we are 50m clear from the junction, heading in to Otley to ensure that road users can exit this junction safely, as whilst the signals are in close proximity, this does not leave enough width as per red book in order for the cars to make the turn safely.
• We will update the permits with reflections of changes in TM, including Leeds Road being multi-way with Old Pool Bank to incorporate the 3rd head, and also the Old Pool Bank permit to include the Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) for the no left turn and also the signal head. As the USRN (Regulation Notice) seems to be the same for Old Pool Bank so we can use the existing order.
• We agreed onsite today that we would arrange to see the residents on the upper section of old pool bank shown in red, to discuss these TM arrangements with them in advance of installing it (not going on whilst 29.07.2024) so we can clearly articulate why we are installing the TM to support a safe exit/entrance for them in and out of this junction, whilst appreciating it is inconvenient for locals.