Further to the information below, I have received a few queries about ordering green bins and whether residents need to order one or whether one will be delivered. The officer has now advised as follows, in respect of what they are doing:
“We'll do a mixture; residents are free to order bins individually. That my help some residents who are feeling anxious about the change, plus they can request slimmer bins that way - if they don't need a normal size bin. However, we will also be doing bulk bin deliveries to the estate and distributing them around.”
Original Post Below
Please find below information I have just received in respect of refuse collection for the Holtdales. The attachments show properties involved and a sample letter which you will receive separately from the service, with the information you need:
"Dear Councillor,
In March we will start the role out of the changes to collection routes as part of the refuse route review.
This will begin with moving around 9,000 properties across the city onto Alternate Weekly Collections (AWC). This is where we collect black bins one week, green bin the week after. This will increase the citywide proportion of households receiving a minimum of a fortnightly recycling collection to 94%.
As we discussed in the Elected Members briefing sessions last year, there are properties in your Ward that will move to AWC.
Attached to this email is a map of the properties in your Ward that will move to AWC collections as part of this first phase. I have also included an example of the letter your residents will receive, along with the guide/frequently asked questions leaflet that will accompany that letter. Please feel free to promote the move to AWC through your social channels and local networks.
We have a good supply of green recycling bins in stock, these will be delivered free of charge to residents. We have also engaged some additional delivery resources to ensure we can be responsive and timely with deliveries.
Individual household letters will be delivered during the first half of March, with collection days changing over the course of the last two weeks in March. We will update the online “check my bin day” and Leeds Bin app to the new collection days in time for the first collections."