Please find below an update from Planning on the outstanding applications by the Airport and builds on information posted previously. The link to the officer report is here:
Further to previous posts regarding the CLEUD application at LBA, I am emailing you in relation to the two outstanding CLEUD (Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development) applications at LBA, as the current extension of time expires today.
Application 1 – 23/07489/CLE - Confirmation of immunity against enforcement of condition 4 of the permission in respect of the departure of aircraft with a quota count of 1 during the night-time period, based on ten years of continuous breach.
The application was to confirm that the airport have been flying aircraft with a quota count of 1 during the night time period for more than 10 years. Comprehensive analysis of the flight data has been undertaken. This has been a significant technical task for officers (in terms of time and complexity) but has now reached a conclusion. The decision on this application will be issued today. I can advise that the Local Planning Authority, is unable to support this application and it will be refused. The reason for this is that the evidence that has been submitted does not demonstrate a continuous breach of the condition for 10 years. LBA, will be entitled to formally appeal to the Secretary of State, against this decision, should they wish.
Application 2 – 23/07490/CLE - Confirmation of immunity against enforcement of conditions 6(a), 6(b) and 6(c) of the permission in respect of the prohibition of night time movements of aircraft with quota count of 0.25 based on ten years of continuous breach.
There is further work required in relation to the volume of data that has been submitted as part of this application. For this reason, we are unable to issue a decision this week and have requested a two month extension from the LBA which has not been agreed. Having said that we will continue to assess this application and still intend to issue a decision within the next two months.