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Information circulated by the Taxi & Private Hire Licensing Service
Tuesday 14 June 2022
Taxi (Hackney Carriage) Fares Review 2022
Leeds Hackney Carriage Joint Trade Council have approached Leeds City Council for a fare review which would allow taxi (hackney carriage) drivers to keep pace with the rising costs of running a vehicle, in particular fuel. This would entail passing on some additional cost to passengers.
Taxi fares are regulated by UK law and agreed by local authorities. The maximum fare a taxi driver can charge is that indicated by the vehicle’s taximeter.
Private hire operators and drivers set their own fares and consequently have reflected the recent higher price of fuel and general living costs into their fares, taxi drivers are unable to do this.
The Leeds hackney carriage trade representatives have proposed that taxi (hackney carriage) journeys starting in Leeds should have 50p added to the fare. Other fares and tariffs would be unchanged.
Leeds City Council is aware that some people are particularly dependent on hackney carriages for their travel, and a small increase of 50p may add up to a higher overall cost, especially where they take multiple journeys.
Leeds City Council last reviewed the taxi (hackney carriage) fares in 2018.
If you object to the proposed increase in fares, please contact us Leeds City Council by email on [email protected] before 5pm on Tuesday 28 June 2022.