I recently met with representatives of Miller Homes, including the Estate Manager, to discuss a number of issues that are concerning residents:
- The state of the play facility and surrounding landscaping.
- Anti-social behaviour issues
- State of verges and communal areas
- The adoption of roads and pavements
- Date for completion of work on site
- Timescales to bring the roads and pavements up to adoptable standard
- Confirmation on which areas of the estate will fall to the responsibility of the management company.
They have now provided the following update as well as maps showing the areas of responsibility which are attached.
“All areas coloured up will be the responsibility of the management company RMG once we have had them adopted over the next couple of months. With regards final surfacing works, these are ongoing and planned for completion early autumn.”
I have been separately in discussions with the Police and Yorkshire Housing to see what can be achieved to mitigate issues within their responsibility.