You may have heard on the news, or seen online, or been made aware by family members who are teachers in Leeds that there was an instruction to schools today to implement their already robust safeguarding policies following advice from the Police.
I have now received the update below from the Council’s Executive Member for Education:
"Dear all,
Thank you for your patience today, please find below a statement just issued from West Yorkshire Police.
Do feel free to circulate this.
Police are aware of an email which has been sent to a number of schools in Leeds and Bradford today.
The contents of the email are being investigated by police and officers are providing reassurance and safety advice to affected schools.
Contrary to some reports the force has not issued guidance to schools to ‘lockdown’ and has not stated the threats are credible.
Officers have commenced an investigation into a potential malicious communications offence and have now made an arrest in connection with the matter.
We are aware that schools in other parts of country have received similar malicious emails in recent days.
Huge thanks to our police force for acting swiftly on this, and thanks again to all teachers and school staff who have worked in incredibly stressful circumstances today.
Deputy Leader, Leeds City Council
Executive Member for Economy, Culture & Education
I trust this keeps you advised and informed."