Please find below the latest crime statistics. For the 2 Robbery incidents the Police have advised that no information can be shared:
- Burglary Residential (1) – Attempted burglary in Cookridge. Suspects have tried burning door lock but are disturbed by the victim’s dogs barking.
- Robbery (2) – unable to share
- Other Theft (2) – There is nothing to suggest wider public will be at any risk. One is a theft of batteries from a traffic light & the other is a theft of a bag left unattended.
- Theft from Motor Vehicle (5) – NPT are aware of an increase in TFMV offences in the Horsforth/West Park/Adel cluster & are actively looking into these. The circumstances of these offences fit with what we have seen elsewhere. We believe that an opportunist thief is checking parked vehicles for items on show and checking whether the vehicle is secure. All 5 vehicles have been entered without damage being caused. 1 is confirmed to have been left unlocked, and it would be reasonable to consider that the other 4 may have also been left insecure. I have purposely not provided street locations as I want to urge all residents to be vigilant and report any suspicious behaviour to us, no matter how close they are to the existing crimes. If any residents are in possession of CCTV showing a person checking vehicles, please encourage them to email this to us at [email protected] and formally report it via 101 if they haven’t already.
- Theft of Motor Vehicle (1) – Ford Transit stolen by unknown means. There is no confirmation that this happened via keyless entry, but it is always worthwhile passing the attached information sheet to residents.