I have received the message below from Refuse Collection in respect of what to do with garden waste now that collections have ended for this season:
"The Household Waste and Recycling Centres are open and free to take any brown bin garden waste to throughout winter (just closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day). But by far the most environmentally friendly way is to home compost, either using a compost bin or just by simply creating leaf piles/leaf-mould. This is good for insects/garden life too. Leeds residents can continue to get a discounted compost bin at: https://www.greatgreensystems.com/council-offers .
More information on the benefits of and how to easily create compost heaps and leaf-mould can be found here: https://www.rhs.org.uk/soil-composts-mulches/leaf-mould, https://www.rhs.org.uk/soil-composts-mulches/composting . We would also encourage interested residents to take a look at Zero Waste Leeds’s website for lots of tips and ideas at: https://www.zerowasteleeds.org.uk/tag/garden-waste/