Please find below a link to a report I have been made aware of today in relation to the consultation and decision on car parking charges at Golden Acre Park and Otley Chevin. I was not made aware of this by Council officers, and I have sought an urgent briefing this week.
I have a number of serious concerns about the way this has been done, without any apparent thought being given to the many comments I sent to the Council on residents’ behalf, raising many issues which were also raised the last time this was proposed. The issues I have are:
- The way this report has been issued
- The conclusions reached do not make mathematical sense. The number of people opposing it far outweigh those approving it so there is no logic to it proceeding. It’s not as if it was a small handful of residents responding either.
- The decision has been made without the full impact of the potential reductions in people going to the parks, the health impacts it will have, the knock-on effect of people parking on the surrounding roads to avoid the charge and all the many other reasons residents wrote to me with.
- There is still no specific mention of what the charge will be, the arrangements for operating it, how the season ticket option will work, will a season ticket cover all the parks or individual parks and this decision has obviously been rushed out without further thought.
- No official confirmation has been given on the timescales for any improvements to the surface of the car park, or how anyone who has no digital or electronic means to pay, can pay.
You will note that the “Brief Summary” on page 1 has been cut off and more text should be there, I have no idea what has been cut off.
I will post any further updates here.