Please find below information I have been sent today which may be of interest to you or someone you know:
I wanted to be sure that you have been advised of the resurfacing works that are planned for Arthington Road / King Lane.
These works are currently planned to take place between 07 - 10 October 2024. The working shifts are at 09:00hrs to 16:00hrs , Monday to Thursday.
In order to do this work safely and efficiently we will need to have road closures with local diversions in place, these diversions will be signposted, the closure will only be during the hours of operations.
Advance information boards have been on site for the last couple of weeks due to the rural location to provide advance information of these road closures . For this reason, a widespread letter drop like the one you are familiar with which would normally precede works, was considered to be not appropriate or cost effective for such a large and rural location on this occasion. Arrangements have been made however to call in and speak to the residents of the most directly affected property and provide a more personal service as to who they need to contact if they have questions which will support the advance signage, they will already be aware of.
I have also attached for your information a plan showing where the works are taking place and the diversion route which has been agreed.
Red indicates the extent of the scheme; Blue is the property we will arrange the LCC officer to speak to.