I have received short notice of work on The Birches in Bramhope.
"Following a recent inspection we have identified Carriageway Patching required to isolated areas along the above street and have a short window of opportunity to commence Thursday 22nd August, and should take 1 day to complete. Works will involve a traditional patching operation of surface removal and infill with a new bituminous surface.
It is usual that some disruption will occur, we will make every effort to keep this to a minimum. Access for emergency services and their vehicles will be maintained at all times, however direct access to your property maybe restricted for a short time, your patience and understanding will be greatly appreciated.
In order to facilitate works we would appreciate your assistance by seeking alternative parking whilst we patch the carriageway frontage to your property.
Should you need any further information regarding the proposed works, please do not hesitate to contact us on the above phone number or via email or visit our website https://www.leeds.gov.uk/parking-roads-and-travel
I apologise for any inconvenience that our works may cause you."