Please find below a response from the Highways Engineer in relation to a number of queries raised by residents and motorists in respect of the speed limit change on Leeds Road, namely signage, continued speeding and crossing points:
"Dear Cllr Anderson,
Thank you for your email.
As discussed last week, I am aware the additional 'new 30mph speed limit in force' signage has yet to be installed and we have chased this with our signage team. I expect to see progress on this, this month. As you are aware, the installation of 30mph 'repeater' signage is prohibited by the Department for Transport in areas with street lighting.
As part of the forthcoming resurfacing of Leeds Road at the Church Hill bend, we will introduce new road markings to highlight the presence of the speed limit change. This will be replicated at the Adel end, also.
I will also ask the Police to undertake speed enforcement in this area, as it is clear that there is an element of motorists partaking in anti-social and illegal practices.
As a final point, we have explored the introduction of a signal-controlled pedestrian crossing on Leeds Road, by the bus stops and the path up to Breary Lane, in the past. Unfortunately we were unable to justify the implementation of a facility here against our assessment criteria. Ideally we would widen the traffic islands along the route, however due to the A660 being the abnormal load route through the north of the city, we must leave specific minimum lane widths either side of traffic islands for these larger vehicles to pass, which in this case prevents us from undertaking any widening at this time."