Due to the significant number of complaints from Pool residents about the large yellow "Local Access" signs on lower Old Pool Bank, I took this up with Highways. The response I have received is set out below:
"I can confirm that the new 'local access' signage has not been provided by this team and therefore should not be in place. The signage does not have any legal standing and does not cover a legally binding 'Access Only Order' in the same way as Old Pool Bank (Upper) and subsequently, no Police enforcement can or will take place. I will investigate the position of the signage and come to a decision on what the next steps are.
With respect to the 20mph speed limit, this is not appropriate for Old Pool Bank. 20mph speed limits should only be utilised on roads that are urban in nature and either have residential frontages or are a commercial centre, hence why that limit has been applied in Pool itself and not on Pool Bank, either New or Old.
Furthermore, the existing speeds seen on Old Pool Bank are in excess of the point that we are legally permitted to introduce a 20mph speed limit, with mean speeds being in the region of 30-35mph per the last counts - note, we have not yet repeated these counts following the recent introduction of the lower 40mph and 30mph speed limits. I am afraid that I cannot recommend the introduction of a further speed limit reduction in this location. With respect to the hazard of pedestrians, warning signage was provided on Old Pool Bank in 2021 to highlight the presence of pedestrians in the carriageway. These signs are located just down from the Bar House and also by the old rail bridge at the bottom end.
I am sorry I cannot be more helpful in response at this time but trust the information above is of use to you."