Further to the representation I, and others, have made in respect of the applications by the Airport, I have now received the email below from the Chief Planning Officer. In addition, the note from the Council states:
“Due to the significant public interest in the operations of the airport, the council has therefore decided to undertake a call for evidence.”
Good afternoon,
You may be aware already of recent applications at Leeds Bradford Airport (Certificates of Lawful Existing Use or Development) and I wanted to take this opportunity to update you on the current position.
Please find below a link to a news update from Leeds City Council regarding the recent applications from Leeds Bradford Airport relating to night-time flying.
Update on Leeds Bradford Airport night-time flying applications
The update confirms that the City Council will follow a process set out in national government legislation and guidance while dealing with the applications.
The applications have today been published in full on the Council’s Public Access planning system, and can each be accessed via these links:-