I have received the results of a recent speed survey undertaken on Moor Road, Bramhope, the table is also attached.
"Dear Cllr. Anderson
Please see below a summary of the speed data most recently collected on Moor Road and how this compares to historic surveys undertaken in the same location.
As can be seen from the most recent survey, the mean speed of traffic at 25.8mph is higher than the 24mph threshold that is set for mean speeds within a 20mph zone. As such, to ensure we comply with national guidance we will now be forced to consider the introduction of traffic calming features within the 20mph section up to The Cross. To not do so would mean that that section of carriageway be reverted to 30mph, which is not supported by Leeds City Council’s policies for 20mph areas.
I will include Moor Road on our list of roads that is requiring of intervention and it will compete against other roads for a limited funding stream to introduce traffic calming measures in 20mph zones. Should funding be obtained, you will of course be consulted on any proposal and from there a wider public consultation will be held.
The overall traffic volume and speed figures are encouraging when comparing to the situation when Moor Road was subject to a 30mph speed limit and it can clearly be seen that the work undertaken by the Council as well as driver attitude changes over time have had a positive impact on the manner in which Moor Road is used. However the upturn in speed in the last three year period is not desirable and requires action to remedy.
I hope that this is of use to you at this time."