Please find attached a file showing the results of a recent speed survey undertaken on Moseley Wood Gardens. The Highways Engineer's commentary is below:
"Please find attached a table summarising the speed survey results for Moseley Wood Gardens. The 2023 survey also included vehicle classification, to understand HGV use and if this was still an issue. The results of the 2019 survey are included for comparative purposes.
As can be seen from the data, the general picture for Moseley Wood Gardens is a higher traffic volume and marginally higher mean speed than when the road was last surveyed. This increase in traffic flow could be associated with the additional housing constructed in the area, as I believe that the site was not occupied in February of 2019. The increase in the mean speed of traffic is not desirable and goes against the general trend we typically see of speeds falling.
At this time, because the mean speed falls beneath the nationally agreed point of 24mph (agreed with Association of Chief Police Officers) as being the point where Councils need to intervene with engineering measures, we will not be taking forward any traffic calming measures at this time. However, considering the increase in vehicle speeds noted we will monitor Moseley Wood Gardens again in another year to determine if this upwards trend has stopped or continued and requires further intervention."