Please find below details of the new refuse collection arrangements which affect the Holtdales only:"
"Letters to affected Holtdales residents should land on doorsteps [this] Friday. Their new AWC collection day will be Mondays. Black bins will be done the first week following the change (Monday the 25th March - so only a couple of days after the last Saturday collection) and green the week after (Monday the 1st April).
I have planned in some bulk deliveries of green bins to the estate on Saturday of this week and Monday of next. However, residents are also welcome to order individual green bins too (we will ensure everything is reconciled in the background).
If we don’t get green bins to all residents on Saturday/Monday I’ll schedule in further deliveries.
As discussed, we’ll probably look to leave the recycling compounds for a few weeks until the new service beds in. We’ll then remove the containers (barring the couple that service the Holt Farm Rise to Holt Farm Close section that’s remaining weekly)."