As you will be aware a number of refuse collections have been missed and I am in daily contact with the service to try and establish timescales for recovery collections. In respect of this, if you have uncollected green bins I have received confirmation that the crews will collect “side waste” at the next collection i.e. overflow green bin material can be placed by the side of the green bins and as long as this waste is in either clear plastic sacks or green plastic sacks it will be collected.
Message from Refuse Collection:
"Good morning Councillor Anderson,
Thank you for your email. Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused here. This matter has been referred to Team Leader responsible for recycling waste collections in the area and asked to ensure that collection crew will collect side waste on the next scheduled waste collection. Please note that extra recycling waste needs to be left in a clear or green plastic bag at the side of the bin on collection day.
I will provide you with a further update when I am in receipt of further information."