Please find below and attached information on Mass Transit Plans for West Yorkshire, received from the Combined Authority, which may be of interest to you:
"We are pleased to introduce our March Mass Transit monthly briefing attached.
You will be aware that the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, in collaboration with our District Partners, are developing a vision for the region’s future transport system.
Our monthly briefings will:
- Update you on Mass Transit programme milestones.
- Encourage your engagement, support, and advocacy for Mass Transit
- Empower you and your communities to have your say.
14th March Combined Authority Meeting
On the 14th of March, the CA will take key decisions on Mass Transit. The Combined Authority paper which can be viewed here ( WYCA - Modern Gov ) sets out details of the first phase of Mass Transit and the key decisions requested which are below:
- Approval to continue development of Phase 1 of the Mass Transit Programme and to commence work on development of the Outline Business Case and Transport and Works Act Order application.
- Approval to commence stakeholder engagement in March 2024 and wider public consultation on Phase 1 in summer 2024.
- Approval to submit the Strategic Outline Case to the Department for Transport.
Further details of the Phase 1 of Mass Transit are included in the attached monthly briefing.
The Combined Authority will continue to work with local authorities to ensure that future phases of mass transit reach Wakefield, Kirklees and Calderdale, ensuring no part of West Yorkshire is left behind."