You may be interested in the information below and attached. The attachments explain the context and how you can get involved:
Dear Councillor,
As part of the plan making process, please be advised that the Leeds Local Plan Update, Pre-Submission Changes is being consulted on between 30th October until the 11th December 2023 for a period of 6 weeks. I attach a consultation letter that will be sent to statutory consultees and those who are on the Council’s consultee database. This contains details of the consultation and how to get involved.
The aim of this consultation is to get views on the proposed changes. Following detailed consideration of consultation responses to the Publication draft policies of the Local Plan Update (which took place between October and December 2022), a range of changes are proposed to the draft policies before the Plan is submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination.
Website Link –
The attached Statement of Representation details how those who wish to comment can get involved.
If you or your constituents have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0113 37 87993 or email: [email protected]