The latest update from the Roads Traffic Police Team is below:
Road Safety work - October summary
Road safety is a consistent concern from residents, as seen on reports we receive & from feedback given to us at community meetings.
At the end of September, we gave a summary of what we'd done that month to keep the local roads safe. It was largely well received, so here's what we've done in October so far:
- 38 Fixed penalty notices issued for obstructive parking
- 11 Schools visited to ensure safe parking when dropping off
- 10 Drivers warned about their parking & moved when asked to
- 3 Drivers given warnings on their speed
- 2 Drivers given tickets for contravention of a 'No Right Turn'
- 2 Vehicles seized for driving without insurance
- 2 Abandoned vehicles seized
- 1 Stolen vehicle recovered
- 1 Driver issued a court summons due to high speed (80/40)
- 1 Driver arrested for driving whilst over the prescribed limit
- 1 Driver arrested for failing to provide a sample of breath
- 1 Ticket for using a handheld device whilst driving
- 1 Driver given a ticket for contravention of a no-entry sign
- 1 Driver given a ticket for contravention of mandatory arrow
We will continue to provide these summaries & we welcome any information the community can provide, to help us ensure the safety of our road network."