Please find below a message from the Adel Neighbourhood Forum:
Adel Neighbourhood Forum.
Annual General Meeting
Wednesday, 27th September 2023, 7.00pm to 8.30pm
Adel War Memorial Hall, Church Lane, Adel LS16 8DE
All Adel residents and local businesses are welcome.
At 7.00pm. There will be the opportunity to meet Cllrs Barry and Caroline Anderson and the Adel Forum Team. A glass of wine and nibbles will be available.
At 7.30pm. The formal Annual General Meeting will take place; this will include reports on work of the Forum and future developments. A key feature will be the adoption of the finalised Adel Neighbourhood Plan. This is an important document as it sets out the Vision for Adel for the next ten years in six policy areas:
Natural & Built Heritage, Character & Design, Housing,
Community Facilities & Green Spaces, Retail & Business, Highways & Traffic.
Over the last few years The Forum team and local people have been consulted and involved in producing this Plan. Once agreed by the Independent Inspector it will be the focus of a community referendum.
If residents vote in favour of the Plan (50.01% of those voting) at the referendum it will form part of Leeds City Council’s Planning Policies. Our six policies will therefore need to be taken into account when future planning applications are assessed.
We welcome interest from anyone wishing to know more or indeed participate in the work of the Forum.
The meeting will also welcome Janet Caton, the Crime Reduction Officer for Leeds North West, who will be available to give advice and explain how you can arrange a home visit for a security review.
At 8.30pm. The meeting will close.
For more information contact Adel Neighbourhood Forum.
Email: [email protected]