I have received the information below:
"Dear Councillor,
I would like to take this opportunity to remind you about the funding available for residents through the Home Upgrade Grant scheme which can help eligible homeowners, renters, and landlords of properties without gas central heating to save money by installing energy-saving green measures free of charge or at a significant discount.
Upgrades available include different types of insulation, heat pumps, solar panels, and electric radiators.
The council’s Climate, Energy & Green Spaces team are keen to spread the word so that as many residents as possible to are encouraged check if they are eligible to benefit from the new funding, or other existing efficiency schemes. Residents can do this by taking a matter of minutes to complete an online checker form available from the council’s website: www.leeds.gov.uk/homeenergy. Alternatively, those interested can call the council’s contractor about the new scheme on 0800-197-7755.
The dedicated national funding secured by Leeds for this scheme expires in March 2025. We are keen that as many eligible households as possible benefit, so please can I ask for help sharing this message as widely as possible within your community networks and social media groups."