Please find below the Highways Engineer’s proposals for deterring HGVs from using Church Lane and New Adel Lane.
The evidence in respect of this issue came from residents’ observations and subsequent reporting to me which I took up with Highways.
If you feel there are other areas that need to have the same consideration and you have evidence of the dates, times and livery or names on the HGVs please do report this to me.
"Dear Cllr Anderson,
Please see attached drawings showing the proposed signage and their installation locations.
S9 on the 12_02 plan is the existing black and white directional sign that we are relocating one light column away from the junction, to allow the HGV signage to be positioned as close to the junction as possible.
I have so far based signage on those vehicles approaching Church Lane from the south. The traffic survey data we hold shows that northbound HGV traffic on Church is substantially higher than that heading south and clearly we need to dissuade this bulk traffic from entering these roads from the A660.
This work will be issued to the sign manufacture and installation teams as a priority this week, considering the length of time it has taken to get to this point. I would anticipate completion on site prior to the end of the school summer holiday period."