Please find below an update following my previous email on 12th April when I advised the works were to be stopped temporarily at the King Lane site:
"Good morning,
I can advise you that myself and [my colleague] from highways spent some time at the site yesterday morning having a meeting with one of the directors and also the head of operations for the site. We discussed the ongoing concerns we have and that you have raised.
The outcome of the meeting was that extra mitigation measures are to be put in place under condition 5 of the planning permission. These will be monitored as to their effectiveness over the coming weeks. The measures are:
- Resurface the internal haul road between the concrete hardstanding and public highway
- Employ an extra banksman who’s main role is to keep the highway clean at all times and prevent any vehicles leaving the site until the have utilised the wheelwash, This may involve HGV’s reversing back through the active wheelwash. There is also the back up of the jetwash which is on the road sweeper. This will be used as and when necessary and an extra measure.
- Erect extra road signs for highway safety. Slippery road, loose chippings etc. These are to be placed in locations agreed by Ahmad.
- Maintain the use of 1 road sweeper and we will monitor the effectiveness of this over the next 2 weeks.
- Keep the site closed until all the above measures are in place and have been checked by the Enforcement Officer.
Works took place over the weekend to clear the tipping area to allow free flow of HGVs so that they do not have to track over any of the tipped material. This will help prevent any mud being tracked out of the site, but also help to prevent the queuing of HGVs on the public highway.
I will be visiting the site again later today to check the measures are in place. If they are the site will reopen tomorrow and from there the extra mitigation measures monitored."