You may be interested in the information below:
"Dear Cllr,
I am writing to make you aware both of changes we are making to simplify the range of tickets for travel in West Yorkshire and of new prices which will be introduced from Sunday 14 July.
We are removing ticket types, such as with the Adult Return, where there is an equally cost effective alternative, and we are streamlining student travel to focus purchasing through the First Bus app and to end duplication of the same tickets on our website.
Using Tap on, Tap off (TOTO) continues to be the best way to access the cheapest fares, with most prices frozen for multiple trips over 7 days.
The Adult Single will be from £1.70 when purchased via TOTO and the Day ticket £4.75. The maximum single fare will remain at £2.
For student journeys the Single University fare will change to £1.60 for both on-bus and digital tickets.
The fares changes are part of our established annual review and we have looked carefully at how we can limit price increases for customers and balance this with the challenge of maintaining a sustainable network.
Where we have made price increases, I acknowledge that these are higher than the latest rate of inflation, now at 2%, but the legacy of higher inflation over the past 12 months means business costs have continued to rise and it is prudent that we manage this impact.
We are committed to supporting customers and keeping bus travel an affordable and sustainable option. With the introduction of these new prices, the cost of taking multiple trips during the week or over longer periods remains low.
Full details of the changes will be communicated through our social media, website and customer relations channels from Monday 1 July."