I have received the information below from the Neighbourhood Policing Inspector that may be of interest to you:
"Please find below a new cuckooing animation created by Fettle Animation, West Yorkshire Police and Cuckooing Research and Practice Network.
This resource is aimed at professionals and the public to raise awareness of cuckooing. Cuckooing is the process of organised crime groups or perpetrators taking over properties for criminal or sexual activity. We have seen properties used for pop-up brothels, storing and preparing drugs or weapons or for throwing parties among other activity.
Please can you share this video across your networks, on social media and use this in training resources.
Cuckooing - advice from West Yorkshire Police (youtube.com)
The video has been shared on Facebook if your organisation would like to share this. https://www.facebook.com/westyorkshirepolice/videos/884178333566948/
If you are sharing comments about this video please do remember:
-that those who are cuckooing properties may be exploited themselves
-cuckooing can be used for any type of criminality not just drugs offences
-currently cuckooing is not a crime but there may be elements of criminality such as modern slavery occurring within these situations
-Organisations must work together to improve identification and safeguarding responses.
West Yorkshire Police have created a new page dedicated to cuckooing that can be found through the reporting tool online that can be found here: Cuckooing | West Yorkshire Police. Share this around networks where needed.